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  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -g,--guid TEXT=4DADEA34-2C78-48CB-A3DC-5B831F5CECBB
  -p,--pci-address TEXT       [<domain>:]<bus>:<device>.<function>
  -l,--log-level TEXT:{trace,debug,info,warning,error,critical,off}=info
                              stdout logging level
  -s,--shared                 open in shared mode, default is off
  -t,--timeout UINT=60000     test timeout (msec)
  -m,--mem-channel UINT=0     Target memory bank for test to run on (0 indexed)
  --loops UINT=1              Number of read/write loops to be run
  -w,--writes UINT=1          Number of unique write transactions per loop
  -r,--reads UINT=1           Number of unique read transactions per loop
  -b,--bls UINT=1             Burst length of each request
  --stride UINT=1             Address stride for each sequential transaction
  --data UINT:value in {fixed->0,prbs15->2,prbs31->3,prbs7->1,rot1->3} OR {0,2,3,1,3}=fixed
                              Memory traffic data pattern: fixed, prbs7, prbs15, prbs31, rot1
  -f,--mem-frequency UINT=0   Memory traffic clock frequency in MHz

  tg_test                     configure & run mem traffic generator test


The memory traffic generator (TG) used to exercise and test available memory channels with a configurable traffic pattern.

Execution of this application requires the user to bind the specific VF endpoint containing the mem_tg AFU id to vfio-pci

In the TG, read responses are checked against a specified pattern. If the application is configured to perform a read only test on a region of memory that has not previously been initialized to contain that pattern it will flag a test failure.


--help, -h

Prints help information and exit.


The following arguments are common to all commands and are optional.


PCIe domain, bus, device, function number of fpga resource.


set application log level, trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical, off


open FPGA PCIe resource in shared mode


mem_tg application time out, by default time out 60000


Target memory bank for test to run on (0 indexed) default: 0


Number of read/write loops to be run default: 1


Number of unique write transactions per loop. default: 1


Number of unique read transactions per loop default: 1


AXI4 burst length of each request. Supports 1-256 transfers beginning from 0. default: 0


Address stride for each sequential transaction (>= burst length) default: 1


Memory traffic data pattern. 0 = fixed {0xFF, 0x00} 1 = prbs7 2 = prbs15 3 = prbs31 4 = rot1

default: fixed

-f, --mem-frequency

Memory traffic clock frequency in MHz default: 300 MHz


This command will run a basic read/write test on the channel 0 traffic generator:

mem_tg tg_test

This command will run the application for an afu on pcie 000:b1:00.7:

mem_tg --pci-address 000:b1:00.7 tg_test

This command will test channel 2 write bandwidth:

mem_tg -loops 1000 -w 1000 -r 0 -m 2 tg_test

This command will perform a read bandwidth test with a burst of 16 on channel 1 and perform a data comparison with the prbs7 pattern:

mem_tg -loops 1000 -w 0 -r 1000 -b 0xF --data prbs7 -m 1 tg_test

This command will perform a read/write test with 1 MB strided access to channel 0 memory:

mem_tg -loops 10000 --stride 0x100000 tg_test